Gender and Development

Gender and Development

The promotion of women’s rights and gender equality is one of the hallmarks of Spanish Cooperation. In this way, the V Master Plan of Spanish Cooperation (2018-2021) complies with the 2030 Agenda and the goals set in ODS No. 5, supporting as a strategic line of action gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, as well as their protection so that they can fully exercise their rights.

The Spanish Cooperation (CE) in the Philippines has maintained a line of work for several years in which the incorporation of gender equality aspects has been a priority. In this way, projects have been supported and financed whose fundamental objective has been access to and enjoyment of women’s rights in different areas, including sexual and reproductive rights, economic rights (women’s economic empowerment) and political participation. From the point of view of Governance and Institutional Strengthening, in the recent Country Partnership Framework 2014-2017, bilateral work has been carried out directly with the Philippine Commission for Women (PCW), supporting the effective implementation of public gender policy. in the Philippines (both at the national level and in 18 local governments) and indirectly incorporating and reinforcing the gender approach in the work with the CHR and the OPPAP, multilateral (UNFPA) and NGDO (H & D, Peace and Development). However, gender mainstreaming in all interventions financed with AECID funds is also an obligation and a priority.

Ongoing projects under Gender and Development:

Ateneo de Manila UniversityWeaving Women’s Voices. Surfacing Narratives Towards Transitional Justice in the North and South of the Philippines
Sulong PEACE Support to indigenous women for participation in human rights, peace and development. Phase I and II
Consorcio y  LibertadStrengthening professional skills, civic engagement and employability of youth and displaced women
Paz y DesarrolloResilient communities under gender, diversity and good governance approaches
Spanish Red CrossStrengthening resilience and gender equality of indigenous communities