Non Government Cooperation

Cooperation through Spanish NGOs

Non-governmental development organizations (NGDO) constitute the main added value of the Spanish Cooperation in the Philippines, because of their direct involvement with the communities and their knowledge acquired from decades of work. They reach layers of the population that are otherwise inaccessible by other means, thus creating an impact at the local level and acquiring very valuable information on development.

The interventions implemented by NGDO represent around 30% of the cooperation funds. At present, there are 13 NGDO that execute development cooperation projects in the Philippines, which have a permanent representation in the country:

  • Acción contra el Hambre (Action Against Hunger Spain)
  • Cáritas Española
  • Cruz Roja Española (Spanish Red Cross)
  • Educo
  • Fundación CODESPA
  • Fundación Humanismo y Democracia
  • Fundación InteRed
  • Fundación de Religiosos para la Salud (FRS)
  • Manos Unidas
  • Paz y Desarrollo
  • Plan International Spain
  • Save the Children Spain
  • Asociación Zabalketa

The main instrument of the AECID for funding Spanish NGOs is the multi-year Agreements (Convenios) with a duration of four years. In 2014, three (3) Convenios for the period 2014-2017 were approved for the Philippines for a total amount of 7.5 M€. In 2018, two (2) Convenios have been approved for the period 2018-2021 for a total amount of 5 M€.

The sectors of these Convenios are in accordance with the two Strategic Orientations highlighted in the CPF of the Philippines for the same period.

In addition to the multi-year Convenios, AECID organizes annual calls for NGO Projects. These projects usually have a duration of one to two years. The total amount awarded for the period 2014-2019 is 4.7 M€ for 17 projects.

In order to improve coordination among all the Spanish Cooperation actors in the Philippines, especially with the NGOs, the Technical Cooperation Office of the AECID (OTC) has established regular meetings, as well as thematic groups of a technical nature. On the other hand, the OTC facilitates registration procedures for NGOs in the country and the incorporation and accreditation of their workers and families, renewal of visas and any other bureaucratic management to be carried out in the country.